Filmmakers explore the possibilities and promises of experimental film, working with found footage, handmade sequences, double exposures, animation, and digital post-production techniques. (60 min.)
** Live conversation with available filmmakers on Oct. 31 at 11am PT! Your ticket purchase will include a "companion ticket" to this screening's accompanying livestream Q&A, where you can chat with Engauge artists and fellow experimental film fans. Participating filmmakers marked with an asterisk **
In this program:
- Jeroen Van der Stock, Stone
- Gwendolyn Audrey Foster, Dada Ship
- * Federica Foglia, 04/19/68
- * Matt Soar, ASANASA
- * Dagie Brundert, Yksi Kaksi Kolme
- Roger Deutsch, The Flame of the Spent Hour
- * Karel Doing, Phytography
- Yuri Muraoka, Transparent, the World Is
- Michael Higgins, I’m Not a Doctor
- * Ruth Hayes, Perilous Experiment
Hour by hour the ancient face of repeated/ Beings changes, and hour by hour,/ Thinking, we get older./ Everything passes, unknown, and the knower/ Who remains knows he knows not./ But nothing, Aware or unaware, returns./ Equals, therefore, of what isn’t our equal,/ Let us preserve, in the heat we remember,/ The flame of the spent hour. —Ricardo Reis (Fernando Pessoa)
- Year2020
- Runtime8 minutes
- CountryHungary
- DirectorRoger Deutsch
Filmmakers explore the possibilities and promises of experimental film, working with found footage, handmade sequences, double exposures, animation, and digital post-production techniques. (60 min.)
** Live conversation with available filmmakers on Oct. 31 at 11am PT! Your ticket purchase will include a "companion ticket" to this screening's accompanying livestream Q&A, where you can chat with Engauge artists and fellow experimental film fans. Participating filmmakers marked with an asterisk **
In this program:
- Jeroen Van der Stock, Stone
- Gwendolyn Audrey Foster, Dada Ship
- * Federica Foglia, 04/19/68
- * Matt Soar, ASANASA
- * Dagie Brundert, Yksi Kaksi Kolme
- Roger Deutsch, The Flame of the Spent Hour
- * Karel Doing, Phytography
- Yuri Muraoka, Transparent, the World Is
- Michael Higgins, I’m Not a Doctor
- * Ruth Hayes, Perilous Experiment
Hour by hour the ancient face of repeated/ Beings changes, and hour by hour,/ Thinking, we get older./ Everything passes, unknown, and the knower/ Who remains knows he knows not./ But nothing, Aware or unaware, returns./ Equals, therefore, of what isn’t our equal,/ Let us preserve, in the heat we remember,/ The flame of the spent hour. —Ricardo Reis (Fernando Pessoa)
- Year2020
- Runtime8 minutes
- CountryHungary
- DirectorRoger Deutsch