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Stories about connecting with and being in nature as a matter of survival and vital artistic expression.

One with Nature - Shorts are sponsored by Neil Kelly.

Renowned chef and environmentalist Bun Lai decides to close his acclaimed restaurant in order to pursue a new recipe for life. Shot on 16mm with unique access to a pioneer of sustainable cooking, this is a visually arresting culinary journey that is not just about food. Little Fish is about questioning our well-worn patterns of behavior and trying to better practice what we preach. It is about our connections to nature and our ability to change for the better at any age and at any stage of life. Ultimately, the film explores how we can nourish both ourselves and others in today's world.

About the Director:

Edward Columbia is a filmmaker, writer, and cook working in the United States and China. With his producing partner Cyrus Duff he runs Sulde Productions in Brooklyn, NY.

Film Contact:

  • Runtime
    15 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Premiere
    West Coast Premiere
  • Director
    Edward Columbia