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Stories about connecting with and being in nature as a matter of survival and vital artistic expression.
One with Nature - Shorts are sponsored by Neil Kelly.
Rafał Małecki (Director, Rust), Rachel Bujalski (Director, Connected off the Grid), Oliver Sutro (Director, If I Tell Them), and Edward Columbia (Director, Little Fish) discuss their short films with Bradley Parks.
This virtual screening is eligible for audience awards! Unlock it to cast your vote.
After unlocking, you'll have 8 days to start watching. Once you begin, you'll have 48 hours to finish watching. Need help?
Stories about connecting with and being in nature as a matter of survival and vital artistic expression.
One with Nature - Shorts are sponsored by Neil Kelly.
Rafał Małecki (Director, Rust), Rachel Bujalski (Director, Connected off the Grid), Oliver Sutro (Director, If I Tell Them), and Edward Columbia (Director, Little Fish) discuss their short films with Bradley Parks.