A bundle of 23 films featured in JFFLA 2021. Only available in the US.
Advance tickets are $40 until October 3rd. Price increases to $60 from October 4th.
"There is something I can do as a person with 'multiple sclerosis'" At the time of the diagnosis, the number of patients was small and information and treatment options were limited in Japan. When she was able to walk again miraculously through rehabilitation, she started activities of patient group, to provide correct information to people with the same disease who suffer from various symptoms that are difficult to be understood by others. Fiction based on a real woman who continues activities as a leader of the patient group.
20~30代の女性に発症することが多く、歩行困難や手足のしびれなどなどさまざまな症状が出る「多発性硬化症」と向き合う主人公の女性と、彼女を支える人々を描いたヒューマンドラマ。アクティブで元気な大学生のぴょんちゃんは、交通事故に遭ったことをきっかけに身体の違和感に気づく。痛みやしびれが次々と現れ、やがて歩行が難しくなったころ、ようやく「多発性硬化症」という病名を告げられるが……。実際に多発性硬化症と診断され、患者数や情報、治療法も限られた中でリハビリに励み、同じように多発性硬化症に苦しむ人々のためにNPO法人で活動を続ける実在の女性をモデルに映画化。自らの経験を生かして同じ病気に苦しむ患者に寄り添い、新薬の承認に向けた活動にも奔走する主人公の姿を通して、前に進む希望を描いていく。主演は「ばぁちゃんロード」「いけいけ!バカオンナ 我が道を行け」の文音。主人公を支える友人役にお笑いコンビ「ニッチェ」の江上敬子、主治医役に田中美奈子。
- Year2021
- Runtime78 minutes
- LanguageJapanese
- CountryJapan
- PremiereUSA premiere
- RatingDrama
- NoteEnglish Subtitile
- DirectorShigeru Yodokawa
- ScreenwriterHiroyuki Takase, Shigeru Yodokawa
- ProducerNaoki Yabumoto, Hiroyuki Takase
- Executive ProducerNaoki Yabumoto
- Co-ProducerHiroyuki Takase
- CastAyane, Keiko Enoue, Minako Tanaka
A bundle of 23 films featured in JFFLA 2021. Only available in the US.
Advance tickets are $40 until October 3rd. Price increases to $60 from October 4th.
"There is something I can do as a person with 'multiple sclerosis'" At the time of the diagnosis, the number of patients was small and information and treatment options were limited in Japan. When she was able to walk again miraculously through rehabilitation, she started activities of patient group, to provide correct information to people with the same disease who suffer from various symptoms that are difficult to be understood by others. Fiction based on a real woman who continues activities as a leader of the patient group.
20~30代の女性に発症することが多く、歩行困難や手足のしびれなどなどさまざまな症状が出る「多発性硬化症」と向き合う主人公の女性と、彼女を支える人々を描いたヒューマンドラマ。アクティブで元気な大学生のぴょんちゃんは、交通事故に遭ったことをきっかけに身体の違和感に気づく。痛みやしびれが次々と現れ、やがて歩行が難しくなったころ、ようやく「多発性硬化症」という病名を告げられるが……。実際に多発性硬化症と診断され、患者数や情報、治療法も限られた中でリハビリに励み、同じように多発性硬化症に苦しむ人々のためにNPO法人で活動を続ける実在の女性をモデルに映画化。自らの経験を生かして同じ病気に苦しむ患者に寄り添い、新薬の承認に向けた活動にも奔走する主人公の姿を通して、前に進む希望を描いていく。主演は「ばぁちゃんロード」「いけいけ!バカオンナ 我が道を行け」の文音。主人公を支える友人役にお笑いコンビ「ニッチェ」の江上敬子、主治医役に田中美奈子。
- Year2021
- Runtime78 minutes
- LanguageJapanese
- CountryJapan
- PremiereUSA premiere
- RatingDrama
- NoteEnglish Subtitile
- DirectorShigeru Yodokawa
- ScreenwriterHiroyuki Takase, Shigeru Yodokawa
- ProducerNaoki Yabumoto, Hiroyuki Takase
- Executive ProducerNaoki Yabumoto
- Co-ProducerHiroyuki Takase
- CastAyane, Keiko Enoue, Minako Tanaka