Expired June 12, 2023 6:59 AM
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6 films in package
A Perfect Love
A PERFECT LOVE is a true life, inspirational short documentary about one family's dream to adopt a child with special needs from China. Eight years and six children with special needs later, the family copes with the everyday struggles of bringing two worlds and cultures together to form an everlasting bond with love as the tie that binds them together.
Bumps In The Road
A team of wheelchair-using tech engineers at the University of Pittsburgh are leading a movement to open up the world to the physically challenged. They take their own spiritual and physical hazards as inspiration for adaptive technology and inventions that provide the means for others to have more mobile and productive lives.
Fail First
Through a series of phone calls and animations, Fail First follows a young woman as she navigates the absurdities and intricacies of fighting her insurance company for access to treatment for her chronic illness. During the process, she discovers the aggravating and dehumanizing methods in which insurance companies render patients unable to make critical health decisions for themselves. Fail First provides a humorous, unflinching look at how health insurance companies utilize unethical policies to put profits over the health and wellbeing of patients.
The Undetectable Wrestler
Joshua Simmons retired from professional wrestling after testing HIV+. 7 years later, after maintaining his HIV+ undetectable status, he decides to enter the ring professionally again. This short film shows Joshua's journey, struggles and his relentless path towards redemption.
Two One Two
Two One Two, by award winning filmmaker Shira Avni, is a deeply intimate, handcrafted experimental animated documentary exploring neurodiversity, the loving bond between mother and child, and the process of (un)becoming a two-headed monster.
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Still Striving Q&A