An old cargo driver, named Papi, carries asteroid cargo deep outside our universe alongside his trusty sidekick, Pollito. One day, he receives space mail from someone from his past, causing the old man to panic. Intrigued, Pollito convinces Papi to share more about the curious mail which leads to a musical adventure into Papi's memories. Together, we discover Papi's emotional relationship to his child as well as his questionable treatment of them once he realized their true gender. Does this father still have time to redeem himself?
An old cargo driver, named Papi, carries asteroid cargo deep outside our universe alongside his trusty sidekick, Pollito. One day, he receives space mail from someone from his past, causing the old man to panic. Intrigued, Pollito convinces Papi to share more about the curious mail which leads to a musical adventure into Papi's memories. Together, we discover Papi's emotional relationship to his child as well as his questionable treatment of them once he realized their true gender. Does this father still have time to redeem himself?