Mother, Daughter, Sister exposes the Burmese military’s practice of using rape as a weapon of war. The film brings light to Kachin and Rohingya women activists’ efforts to enact justice for Burma’s crimes. The film revolves around the stories of four women: Shamima, a volunteer counselor working with survivors of military rape in the Rohingya refugee camp in Bangladesh, Dil Kayas, a teenage survivor, and San Lung and Lu Ra, sister and mother of two Kachin school teachers brutally raped and killed in 2015, allegedly by the Burmese military. Powerful testimonies from survivors, witnesses, and activists explore the far-reaching impact of sexual violence and trauma upon these communities, and together, the women call for justice and an end to the army’s impunity. Mother, Daughter, Sister has garnered six awards for Best Short Documentary at film festivals in the US. The film was screened at the United Nations in 2018 at an event hosted by the American Jewish World Service.
- Year2018
- Runtime27 minutes
- CountryBurma (Myanmar) & Bangladesh
- DirectorJeanne Hallacy
Mother, Daughter, Sister exposes the Burmese military’s practice of using rape as a weapon of war. The film brings light to Kachin and Rohingya women activists’ efforts to enact justice for Burma’s crimes. The film revolves around the stories of four women: Shamima, a volunteer counselor working with survivors of military rape in the Rohingya refugee camp in Bangladesh, Dil Kayas, a teenage survivor, and San Lung and Lu Ra, sister and mother of two Kachin school teachers brutally raped and killed in 2015, allegedly by the Burmese military. Powerful testimonies from survivors, witnesses, and activists explore the far-reaching impact of sexual violence and trauma upon these communities, and together, the women call for justice and an end to the army’s impunity. Mother, Daughter, Sister has garnered six awards for Best Short Documentary at film festivals in the US. The film was screened at the United Nations in 2018 at an event hosted by the American Jewish World Service.
- Year2018
- Runtime27 minutes
- CountryBurma (Myanmar) & Bangladesh
- DirectorJeanne Hallacy