Expired November 8, 2021 7:59 AM
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Animation affords the opportunity to tackle difficult subjects in unique and unexpected ways as well as the opportunity to tell real-life stories from a unique perspective. This collection of animated documentaries does just that.

Drawing on Autism is an investigation into the ethics of creating animated documentaries. As a non-autistic filmmaker, representing an autistic participant, I needed to be mindful of the well-rehearsed and problematic tropes about autism. These tropes seem to say more about the desires and needs of neurotypical audiences than they do about their autistic subjects. Moreover, animation presents a distinct set of ethical dilemmas. Without the mechanical indifference of a camera, the act of observation is substituted for representation. A mode of representation where the artist is responsible for how the documentary participant looks, where they are, and what they do.

Through collaborative feedback I attempt to share these responsibilities with my participant, while making use of positional and textual reflexivity to equip my audiences so they can scrutinise my documentary interventions.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Director
    Alex Widdowson
  • Producer
    Alex Widdowson