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Animation affords the opportunity to tackle difficult subjects in unique and unexpected ways as well as the opportunity to tell real-life stories from a unique perspective. This collection of animated documentaries does just that.

A Musical Animated Memoir set in London 1968-73

A reflection and re-creation of the years that shaped who I am.

A time when protest and resistance were part of everyday life. What was personal - politicized when people came together to fight for their rights.

The actions of Students, the Women’s Movement, Gay Liberation, Squatters and Claimants Unions, provide a documentary framework for what are in essence personal memories, a child’s POV.

The political message is traced through the means of communication; hand-drawn comics, screen- printed posters, leaflets, placards, papers, pamphlets and the underground press. They reflect the concerns of the time, relate directly to what’s going on today and feel just as relevant 50 years on.

An exercise in trace memory associated with home. A sensory journey through the textures, colours and sounds of childhood, re-constructed.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Director
    Carol Harrison
  • Screenwriter
    Carol Harrison