Expired October 11, 2021 6:59 AM
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A boy from Fukushima sending a letter to express his love of his home. After the Fukushima Nuclear Disater, many children can not go back to their home and are having health concerns. The film aims to raise social attention to care these kids and help them.

Director Biography - Yiran Wang

Yiran Wang is a filmmaker based in LA. She currently studies character animation in CalArts. Graduated from University of Melbourne with a degree in Architecture, she enjoys exploring the relationship between nature and the built environment, and is passionate about storytelling.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Yiran Wang
  • Screenwriter
    Yiran Wang
  • Producer
    Yiran Wang
  • Animator
  • Sound Design
    Peter Zongting Li
  • Music
    Peter Zongting Li