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Nicolas Pignant - Producer
Nicolas is an aspiring filmmaker born in Versailles, France. He began his career in film at an
early age, taking drama classes in secondary school. At the same <me, he con<nued to
develop his passion for the 7th art by making costumes from his favorite movies, edi<ng
videos, wri<ng stories, producing short films and watching movies. Nicolas studied business
and film, which led to his dream trip to the United States. His dream became even greater
when he covered the 94th Academy Awards ceremony as an assistant photographer (he will
also cover the 95th). Enthralled by this experience, Nicolas joined UCLA for his final year of
master's studies, where he co-produced his first American short film, which led him to co-
direct his first short film in France a few weeks aPer gradua<on. Nicolas currently works in
audiovisual produc<on for a Paris-based company, and is looking forward to his next crea<ve
Director's Statement:
By making this film, our ambition was to offer a surprising, funny and breathtaking story, while paying homage to the films that have marked my cinematic culture, such as Back to the Future, Fight Club...This story is my story, but it's also the story of a whole team that helped me make this project a reality. - Jules Cachin
Nicolas Pignant - Producer
Nicolas is an aspiring filmmaker born in Versailles, France. He began his career in film at an
early age, taking drama classes in secondary school. At the same <me, he con<nued to
develop his passion for the 7th art by making costumes from his favorite movies, edi<ng
videos, wri<ng stories, producing short films and watching movies. Nicolas studied business
and film, which led to his dream trip to the United States. His dream became even greater
when he covered the 94th Academy Awards ceremony as an assistant photographer (he will
also cover the 95th). Enthralled by this experience, Nicolas joined UCLA for his final year of
master's studies, where he co-produced his first American short film, which led him to co-
direct his first short film in France a few weeks aPer gradua<on. Nicolas currently works in
audiovisual produc<on for a Paris-based company, and is looking forward to his next crea<ve
Director's Statement:
By making this film, our ambition was to offer a surprising, funny and breathtaking story, while paying homage to the films that have marked my cinematic culture, such as Back to the Future, Fight Club...This story is my story, but it's also the story of a whole team that helped me make this project a reality. - Jules Cachin