Welcome to the UCLAxFilmFest - 8th Virtual Festival!
Explore our on-demand catalog here, and head over to the Live Streams tab to see what's coming up.

UCLAxFilmFest 2024 Official Selections

Get to know our UCLA Extension Filmmakers

Interview with Christopher Hills Eaton, Writer and Director of Driftwood
Interview with Connie Jo Sechrist, Producer of of Elevate
Interview with Efe Tuncay, Writer and Director of The Dot
Interview with Gerard Dy, Writer and Director of No Updates Till Tomorrow
Interview with Ian Beckman, Writer and Director of The 1971 Kitchen Grand Brie
Interview with Jessica Redish, Writer, Director and Producer of Exit, Pursued by a Bear
Interview with Jondaniel Cornett, Writer and Director of When the Time Comes

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