Franz Biberkopf is back in his place again, determined to take up his old struggle against the odds of life. And where could he find a better stand for that than at his usual pub At the pub Franz gets to know Pums and his gang, who are doing mighty good business of a kind better left unmentioned. And then Franz rneets another man: Reinhold, the stutterer with the sad eyes. An ex-prisoner like Franz? A prisoner, yes, but a captive of his quickly passing infatuations with women. His affairs always follow the same pattern: hardly is he holding a wornan in bis arms, he gets tired of her, looking for a way to get rid of her. Franz is the one who can take these women off his hands and he is quite willing to be of help to his new friend. Together they set up a regular, flourisbing "traffic" in girlfriends.
- Year1980
- Runtime58,45
- CountryGermany
- DirectorRainer Werner Fassbinder
Franz Biberkopf is back in his place again, determined to take up his old struggle against the odds of life. And where could he find a better stand for that than at his usual pub At the pub Franz gets to know Pums and his gang, who are doing mighty good business of a kind better left unmentioned. And then Franz rneets another man: Reinhold, the stutterer with the sad eyes. An ex-prisoner like Franz? A prisoner, yes, but a captive of his quickly passing infatuations with women. His affairs always follow the same pattern: hardly is he holding a wornan in bis arms, he gets tired of her, looking for a way to get rid of her. Franz is the one who can take these women off his hands and he is quite willing to be of help to his new friend. Together they set up a regular, flourisbing "traffic" in girlfriends.
- Year1980
- Runtime58,45
- CountryGermany
- DirectorRainer Werner Fassbinder