Franz Biberkopf ist tired of swapping girlfriends, and besides, he feels that this is not the way to really help his friend Reinhold . More by chance than on intention, Biberkopf becomes involved in one of the coups landed by the Purns gang, a criminal one, no doubt, but - as usual - Franz has only a vague idea of what is actually going on. Now he has broken his oath of be coming a decent man, and it all but costs his life on top of that. He had better not tell anyone about Reinhold' s part in this story - after all, Reinhold is his best friend and Franz loves him.
- Year1980
- Runtime57,58
- CountryGermany
- DirectorRainer Werner Fassbinder
Franz Biberkopf ist tired of swapping girlfriends, and besides, he feels that this is not the way to really help his friend Reinhold . More by chance than on intention, Biberkopf becomes involved in one of the coups landed by the Purns gang, a criminal one, no doubt, but - as usual - Franz has only a vague idea of what is actually going on. Now he has broken his oath of be coming a decent man, and it all but costs his life on top of that. He had better not tell anyone about Reinhold' s part in this story - after all, Reinhold is his best friend and Franz loves him.
- Year1980
- Runtime57,58
- CountryGermany
- DirectorRainer Werner Fassbinder