Mieze has come up with a new idea: she wants to have a child from Franz, a little Franz so to speak, because she loves him so much. Since Mieze cannot have any children, she wants Eva to have one in her place - after all, it makes no difference who the actual mother is, as long as Franz is the father of the child . Mieze has become very independent in other ways, too: she wants to go on a holiday for three days with one of her clients. Why shouldn' t she - the man will pay her well, and Franz is the one to benefit from the money. Franz is desperate: three whole days without his little Mieze! In the end, is he still good for any thing at all ? Everyone is so concerned about Franz and his wellbeing that he is not even asked what he really wants.
- Year1980
- Runtime58,50
- CountryGermany
- DirectorRainer Werner Fassbinder
Mieze has come up with a new idea: she wants to have a child from Franz, a little Franz so to speak, because she loves him so much. Since Mieze cannot have any children, she wants Eva to have one in her place - after all, it makes no difference who the actual mother is, as long as Franz is the father of the child . Mieze has become very independent in other ways, too: she wants to go on a holiday for three days with one of her clients. Why shouldn' t she - the man will pay her well, and Franz is the one to benefit from the money. Franz is desperate: three whole days without his little Mieze! In the end, is he still good for any thing at all ? Everyone is so concerned about Franz and his wellbeing that he is not even asked what he really wants.
- Year1980
- Runtime58,50
- CountryGermany
- DirectorRainer Werner Fassbinder