Japan Film Festival Los Angeles 2024

USA only 14 Short-plus films (アメリカのみ配信)

Expired September 16, 2024 7:00 AM
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This short film takes viewers on an inspiring and intriguing visit with PJ and Roy Hirabayashi, whose lifelong partnership is dedicated to taiko, the Japanese drum. After founding San Jose Taiko 50 years ago, they became innovators by combining Japanese folk taiko with complex polyrhythms from American and other musical influences to form an original Japanese American musical art form. Their style of ensemble taiko has now spread across the US and worldwide. They have been honored by the Smithsonian and NEA, among others. We also learn how PJ and Roy found purpose by using taiko as a platform for Japanese American identity, social change, and community-building.

The film incorporates the Japanese philosophy of "ma," or negative space, a crucial component in Japanese art that allows a pause to consider unseen elements that can give greater power to the whole. It's also structured around cultural values brought from Japan, such as "gaman," which means to persevere, and "ishhokenmei," to work with utmost effort.

Our film title, "Because of You, I Am," is from the Japanese phrase "okagesamade," which refers to the ancestors who paved the way for the following generations. For our subjects, PJ and Roy Hirabayashi, this means immigrants from Japan, including their grandparents, who persevered against many obstacles to pave the way for them to build their lives here in America. The title has a double meaning as viewers will learn that PJ & Roy have been together for over 50 years, dedicating their lives to each other and the art of Taiko.

Through their story, viewers learn about the tragic history of anti-Asian racism Japanese Americans endured during WWII. As Roy and PJ point out, anti-Asian hate is on the rise again in the US, so they continue to struggle against injustice and strengthen their community. Our subjects persevered against great odds to build a singular, creative life together as artists, educating and inspiring generations of taiko drummers. Their story serves as a reminder of the transformative power of the arts and education.

この短編映画は、生涯にわたるパートナーシップを日本の太鼓に捧げてきた PJ とロイ・ヒラバヤシとの刺激的で興味深い旅の物語です。50 年前にサンノゼ太鼓を設立した後、彼らは日本の民俗太鼓とアメリカやその他の音楽の影響を受けた複雑なポリリズムを組み合わせ、日系アメリカ人独自の音楽芸術を形成することで革新者となりました。彼らのアンサンブル太鼓のスタイルは、現在、米国全土および世界中に広まっています。彼らは、スミソニアン博物館や NEA などから表彰されています。また、PJ とロイが、日系アメリカ人のアイデンティティ、社会変革、コミュニティ構築のプラットフォームとして太鼓を使用することで、どのように目的を見出したかについても学びます。

この映画には、日本の芸術において重要な要素である「間」、つまりネガティブ スペースという日本の哲学が取り入れられています。この哲学は、全体をより強力にすることができる目に見えない要素について考えるためのひと休みを可能にします。また、この映画は、日本から持ち込まれた文化的価値観、つまり「頑張る」や「一生懸命働く」といった価値観に基づいて構成されています。



  • Year
  • Runtime
    30 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Doug Menuez
  • Producer
    Pear Urushima, Marisa Maldonado