Silicon Valley Asian Pacific FilmFest

Celebrating Communities and Discovering Untold Stories

Expired October 30, 2023 6:45 AM
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Hawaii, 1977: Vic and Melvin are dropped off by their older brother in a rural Hawaii forest with an undisclosed task that no one seems enthusiastic about. As their brother’s pickup rumbles away leaving them utterly alone, they reluctantly begin their trek with an unopened pack and a shovel. Along the way they discuss the possibility of living in the wild, that is until the wild suddenly pays them a visit. Eventually, they reach their destination and carry out the unpleasant task they were sent to do. With the deed now behind them, it seems there are now more questions than answers and the boys sense that what they’ve experienced may haunt them for a long time to come.

Director Biography - Andrew Williamson

Andrew’s debut film, The Land of Eb, premiered at TIFF, garnering critical praise for its naturalistic performances and storytelling. His short film ‘Bury It’, is a true life coming of age story that takes place in the mountains near his home in Hawaii. He’s currently developing a feature length thriller, chosen for the HCL Screenwriting Workshop.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Social Media
  • Director
    Andrew Williamson
  • Producer
    Andrew Williamson
  • Executive Producer
    Zoe Eisenberg
  • Cast
    Kaiulukane Tiogangco, Ieremia Lafi, Ward "Manuia" Lafi