Synopsis: Paola, a young mother in post-Maria Puerto Rico, juggles her duty to her daughter and incarcerated husband with her increasing need for romantic affection. Stifled and suppressed by the weight of her responsibilities, Paola sets out on a personal journey to find herself underneath the roles that have been thrust upon her and finds comfort in the arms of an unlikely person.
Director's Bio: Ricardo J. Varona is a Puerto Rican filmmaker based in NYC. He is a Miloš Forman Directing Fellow, Equity Diversity & Inclusion Representative, and MFA Directing candidate for Columbia University’s Graduate Film program. He graduated from Syracuse University with a Film BFA during which he had the privilege of studying at the Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts (FAMU) in Prague. Having lived most of his life on the island, Ricardo’s work constantly bounces back and forth between Puerto Rico and the U.S. His stories are centered mostly on family matters, sexuality, class, and cultural identity.
- Year2021
- Runtime17:35
- LanguageSpanish
- CountryPuerto Rico
- DirectorRicardo Varona
- ScreenwriterRicardo Varona
- ProducerAnnie Pettinga, Tony Yang
- CastNatalia Lugo, Daliz Juliet Rivera Rosario, Alexon Duprey, Ian Arduengo, Marisol Calero
- CinematographerEliot Grigo
- EditorRicardo Varona
- ComposerJeren L. Guzmán Rivera
Synopsis: Paola, a young mother in post-Maria Puerto Rico, juggles her duty to her daughter and incarcerated husband with her increasing need for romantic affection. Stifled and suppressed by the weight of her responsibilities, Paola sets out on a personal journey to find herself underneath the roles that have been thrust upon her and finds comfort in the arms of an unlikely person.
Director's Bio: Ricardo J. Varona is a Puerto Rican filmmaker based in NYC. He is a Miloš Forman Directing Fellow, Equity Diversity & Inclusion Representative, and MFA Directing candidate for Columbia University’s Graduate Film program. He graduated from Syracuse University with a Film BFA during which he had the privilege of studying at the Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts (FAMU) in Prague. Having lived most of his life on the island, Ricardo’s work constantly bounces back and forth between Puerto Rico and the U.S. His stories are centered mostly on family matters, sexuality, class, and cultural identity.
- Year2021
- Runtime17:35
- LanguageSpanish
- CountryPuerto Rico
- DirectorRicardo Varona
- ScreenwriterRicardo Varona
- ProducerAnnie Pettinga, Tony Yang
- CastNatalia Lugo, Daliz Juliet Rivera Rosario, Alexon Duprey, Ian Arduengo, Marisol Calero
- CinematographerEliot Grigo
- EditorRicardo Varona
- ComposerJeren L. Guzmán Rivera