Synopsis: LITTLE SKY follows the journey of Sky, a Chinese-American pop star who returns to the city they were raised in to find their estranged immigrant father. Haunted by their childhood memories, Sky risks their non-binary identity to end the cycle of violence in their family. In the confrontation, Sky discovers something that changes how they feel about the people they love. Packed with original songs, LITTLE SKY is a film about finding the chosen family who sees us when our blood family cannot.
Director's Bio: Jess X. Snow is a non-binary film director, artist, poet, and community arts educator who creates queer Asian immigrant stories that transcend borders, binaries and time. Based in Lenapehoking (Brooklyn, NY), they are currently an MFA thesis student at NYU Tisch as an Ang Lee Scholar. Their films have been supported by Tribeca Film Institute, The Smithsonian Asian Pacific Center, and Adobe. Their past shorts AFTEREARTH and SAFE AMONG STARS have screened at over 30 film festivals internationally.
Film Website:
- Year2021
- Runtime13:48
- LanguageEnglish, Mandarin
- CountryUnited States, Canada
- DirectorJess X. Snow
- ScreenwriterJess X. Snow
- ProducerAndreas Nicholas, Eris Qian
- Executive ProducerAndrew Ahn
- CastWo Chan, Kyoko Takenaka, Fenton Li, Yiqing Zhao, Austin Deng
- CinematographerZamarin Wahdat
- EditorJess X. Snow, Yuan Yuan
- ComposerRobert Ouyang Rusli
Synopsis: LITTLE SKY follows the journey of Sky, a Chinese-American pop star who returns to the city they were raised in to find their estranged immigrant father. Haunted by their childhood memories, Sky risks their non-binary identity to end the cycle of violence in their family. In the confrontation, Sky discovers something that changes how they feel about the people they love. Packed with original songs, LITTLE SKY is a film about finding the chosen family who sees us when our blood family cannot.
Director's Bio: Jess X. Snow is a non-binary film director, artist, poet, and community arts educator who creates queer Asian immigrant stories that transcend borders, binaries and time. Based in Lenapehoking (Brooklyn, NY), they are currently an MFA thesis student at NYU Tisch as an Ang Lee Scholar. Their films have been supported by Tribeca Film Institute, The Smithsonian Asian Pacific Center, and Adobe. Their past shorts AFTEREARTH and SAFE AMONG STARS have screened at over 30 film festivals internationally.
Film Website:
- Year2021
- Runtime13:48
- LanguageEnglish, Mandarin
- CountryUnited States, Canada
- DirectorJess X. Snow
- ScreenwriterJess X. Snow
- ProducerAndreas Nicholas, Eris Qian
- Executive ProducerAndrew Ahn
- CastWo Chan, Kyoko Takenaka, Fenton Li, Yiqing Zhao, Austin Deng
- CinematographerZamarin Wahdat
- EditorJess X. Snow, Yuan Yuan
- ComposerRobert Ouyang Rusli