ABBA embarks on a thought-provoking journey into the cosmos, exploring a future where Earth has become uninhabitable. In this gripping short film, two astronauts find themselves on a planet strikingly similar to the one their ancestors abandoned millennia ago. As they navigate this new world, they confront not only the harsh realities of their surroundings but also the dark, primitive aspects of human history that led to their departure from Earth.
The film delves deeply into the existential questions faced by its protagonists. Their mission, initially a quest for water to sustain human life, transforms into a profound exploration of self-discovery and reflection. As they grapple with the remnants of their past civilization and the stark contrast between their former home and their new environment, they must confront the barbaric behaviours and choices that precipitated humanity’s exodus.
ABBA serves as both an intense space odyssey and a poignant metaphor for the human condition. Through its rich visual storytelling and evocative narrative, the film mirrors our own quest for understanding and redemption. The astronauts' extreme journey ultimately reflects a universal search for meaning and reconciliation with our past actions. By juxtaposing the vastness of the universe with intimate moments of self-realisation, the film invites viewers to ponder the enduring themes of identity, history, and the future of humanity.
- Year2023
- Runtime15 minutes
- LanguageItalian
- CountryItay
- PremiereIndia Premiere
- GenreReflections in a Changing World
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish, Spanish
- Social Media
- DirectorFabiana Lupo
- ScreenwriterFabiana Lupo
- ProducerMatteo Pianezzi, Corso Codecasa, Francesca Scanu
- Executive ProducerMatteo Pianezzi
- Co-ProducerRAI Cinema
- CastMax Malatesta, Mario Russo
- CinematographerSilvia De Marco
- EditorLaura Dellacostanza
- MusicEmiliano Morini
ABBA embarks on a thought-provoking journey into the cosmos, exploring a future where Earth has become uninhabitable. In this gripping short film, two astronauts find themselves on a planet strikingly similar to the one their ancestors abandoned millennia ago. As they navigate this new world, they confront not only the harsh realities of their surroundings but also the dark, primitive aspects of human history that led to their departure from Earth.
The film delves deeply into the existential questions faced by its protagonists. Their mission, initially a quest for water to sustain human life, transforms into a profound exploration of self-discovery and reflection. As they grapple with the remnants of their past civilization and the stark contrast between their former home and their new environment, they must confront the barbaric behaviours and choices that precipitated humanity’s exodus.
ABBA serves as both an intense space odyssey and a poignant metaphor for the human condition. Through its rich visual storytelling and evocative narrative, the film mirrors our own quest for understanding and redemption. The astronauts' extreme journey ultimately reflects a universal search for meaning and reconciliation with our past actions. By juxtaposing the vastness of the universe with intimate moments of self-realisation, the film invites viewers to ponder the enduring themes of identity, history, and the future of humanity.
- Year2023
- Runtime15 minutes
- LanguageItalian
- CountryItay
- PremiereIndia Premiere
- GenreReflections in a Changing World
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish, Spanish
- Social Media
- DirectorFabiana Lupo
- ScreenwriterFabiana Lupo
- ProducerMatteo Pianezzi, Corso Codecasa, Francesca Scanu
- Executive ProducerMatteo Pianezzi
- Co-ProducerRAI Cinema
- CastMax Malatesta, Mario Russo
- CinematographerSilvia De Marco
- EditorLaura Dellacostanza
- MusicEmiliano Morini