Spirit of Place, directed by Jack Cooper Stimpson, is a groundbreaking film that marks the first implementation of Equity’s Green Rider. The film takes viewers on a journey through the UK's vital and often overlooked wetlands, viewed through the eyes of two young protagonists. As they explore these crucial but underappreciated natural habitats, they engage in a series of chance encounters and curious discoveries that deepen their understanding of the natural world and their place within it.
The film not only highlights the beauty and importance of these wetlands but also invites audiences to reflect on their own relationship with nature. Through the protagonists' experiences, Spirit of Place encourages a reconnection with the environment and promotes a greater appreciation for the delicate ecosystems that sustain life. By immersing itself in the rich textures of the wetlands, the film aims to inspire viewers to consider their own impact on and responsibility towards the natural world.
- Year2023
- Runtime26 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUK
- PremiereIndia Premiere
- GenreReflections in a Changing World
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- Social Media
- DirectorJack Cooper Stimpson
- ScreenwriterJack Cooper Stimpson
- ProducerLewis Brierly, Izzy Meikle-Small, Jack Cooper Stimpson
- Executive ProducerBeth Blood, Karen Vermeulen, On the Edge, Tom Fewins
- CastMark Rylance, Hannah Chinn, Jordan Peters, Rakhee Thakrar, Sam Thorpe-Spinks
- CinematographerPip White
- EditorPatrick Walsh
- Production DesignAnnie Tinsley
- MusicJack Cooper Stimpson, Benji Compston
Spirit of Place, directed by Jack Cooper Stimpson, is a groundbreaking film that marks the first implementation of Equity’s Green Rider. The film takes viewers on a journey through the UK's vital and often overlooked wetlands, viewed through the eyes of two young protagonists. As they explore these crucial but underappreciated natural habitats, they engage in a series of chance encounters and curious discoveries that deepen their understanding of the natural world and their place within it.
The film not only highlights the beauty and importance of these wetlands but also invites audiences to reflect on their own relationship with nature. Through the protagonists' experiences, Spirit of Place encourages a reconnection with the environment and promotes a greater appreciation for the delicate ecosystems that sustain life. By immersing itself in the rich textures of the wetlands, the film aims to inspire viewers to consider their own impact on and responsibility towards the natural world.
- Year2023
- Runtime26 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUK
- PremiereIndia Premiere
- GenreReflections in a Changing World
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- Social Media
- DirectorJack Cooper Stimpson
- ScreenwriterJack Cooper Stimpson
- ProducerLewis Brierly, Izzy Meikle-Small, Jack Cooper Stimpson
- Executive ProducerBeth Blood, Karen Vermeulen, On the Edge, Tom Fewins
- CastMark Rylance, Hannah Chinn, Jordan Peters, Rakhee Thakrar, Sam Thorpe-Spinks
- CinematographerPip White
- EditorPatrick Walsh
- Production DesignAnnie Tinsley
- MusicJack Cooper Stimpson, Benji Compston