In A River in Trouble: The Fragile Gori Basin, directed by Neha Dixit and produced by Roundglass Sustain, the film explores the escalating environmental crisis in Uttarakhand, India. The region, rich in ecological diversity, faces severe threats due to a dramatic 2900 percent increase in landslides and the displacement of over three million residents in the past 20 years. This 16-minute film takes viewers to the Gori Basin, highlighting its fragile ecosystems and the profound impact of climate change and human activities. Through intimate portraits of the area’s natural beauty and the challenges it endures, the film underscores the urgent need for conservation and sustainable practices in one of Uttarakhand's most vulnerable regions.
- Year2024
- Runtime17 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryIndia
- GenreCost of Growth
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish, Kumaoni, Hindi
- Social Media
- DirectorNeha Dixit, Roundglass Sustain
- ProducerSamreen Farooqui for Roundglass Sustain
- CinematographerMandakini Malla, Saket Wahane, Ashhar Farooqui
- EditorChhoe Films
- Sound DesignAshhar Farooqui
- MusicAshhar Farooqui
In A River in Trouble: The Fragile Gori Basin, directed by Neha Dixit and produced by Roundglass Sustain, the film explores the escalating environmental crisis in Uttarakhand, India. The region, rich in ecological diversity, faces severe threats due to a dramatic 2900 percent increase in landslides and the displacement of over three million residents in the past 20 years. This 16-minute film takes viewers to the Gori Basin, highlighting its fragile ecosystems and the profound impact of climate change and human activities. Through intimate portraits of the area’s natural beauty and the challenges it endures, the film underscores the urgent need for conservation and sustainable practices in one of Uttarakhand's most vulnerable regions.
- Year2024
- Runtime17 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryIndia
- GenreCost of Growth
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish, Kumaoni, Hindi
- Social Media
- DirectorNeha Dixit, Roundglass Sustain
- ProducerSamreen Farooqui for Roundglass Sustain
- CinematographerMandakini Malla, Saket Wahane, Ashhar Farooqui
- EditorChhoe Films
- Sound DesignAshhar Farooqui
- MusicAshhar Farooqui