Benden Sana (Over To You), directed by Tao Farren-Hefer, unfolds in the picturesque coastal town of Gerze, Turkey, along the Black Sea. The film provides an intimate glimpse into the life of Aunty Ilknur, a venerable figure in the community known for her strength and leadership. As industrial threats loom over the pristine waters, Aunty Ilknur and the villagers face the challenge of protecting their beloved sea from encroaching corporations. Through their collective resilience and determination, the film explores their struggle to preserve their environment and heritage against the relentless pressure of industrialization.
The narrative highlights the community's efforts to safeguard their natural resources and the enduring spirit of local activism. Benden Sana serves as a poignant reminder of the conflicts between industrial advancement and environmental preservation, capturing the essence of a community’s fight to protect their cherished homeland.
- Year2024
- Runtime7 minutes
- LanguageTurkish
- CountryTurkey
- PremiereIndia Premiere
- GenreFighting Back
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- Social Media
- DirectorTao Farren-Hefer
- ScreenwriterTao Farren-Hefer and Tracey Farren
- ProducerDeniz Toprak
- CinematographerTao Farren-Hefer
- EditorTao Farren-Hefer
- Sound DesignMelodika Sinema
- MusicBerk Içli
Benden Sana (Over To You), directed by Tao Farren-Hefer, unfolds in the picturesque coastal town of Gerze, Turkey, along the Black Sea. The film provides an intimate glimpse into the life of Aunty Ilknur, a venerable figure in the community known for her strength and leadership. As industrial threats loom over the pristine waters, Aunty Ilknur and the villagers face the challenge of protecting their beloved sea from encroaching corporations. Through their collective resilience and determination, the film explores their struggle to preserve their environment and heritage against the relentless pressure of industrialization.
The narrative highlights the community's efforts to safeguard their natural resources and the enduring spirit of local activism. Benden Sana serves as a poignant reminder of the conflicts between industrial advancement and environmental preservation, capturing the essence of a community’s fight to protect their cherished homeland.
- Year2024
- Runtime7 minutes
- LanguageTurkish
- CountryTurkey
- PremiereIndia Premiere
- GenreFighting Back
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- Social Media
- DirectorTao Farren-Hefer
- ScreenwriterTao Farren-Hefer and Tracey Farren
- ProducerDeniz Toprak
- CinematographerTao Farren-Hefer
- EditorTao Farren-Hefer
- Sound DesignMelodika Sinema
- MusicBerk Içli