Expired November 8, 2021 5:59 AM
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BEST PRACTICE: Purchase and watch the film block before the scheduled Q&A — then join us to chat with the filmmakers live. (You will automatically be issued a free ticket for the Live Q&A when you purchase the Film Block)

Due to the outreach efforts and charisma of His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet, the world has learned of and largely sympathized with the plight of the Tibetan people, whose land was seized some 60 years ago by the People’s Republic of China. The Chinese outlawed the country’s language, culture, and religion, and continue to oppress, torture, and kill Tibetans. To keep Tibetan traditions and hope alive, the Dalai Lama established the Tibetan Children’s Village (TCV) in the Himalayan mountains of India. 

Others Before Self offers a brief, but complete portrait of the TCV, where even the youngest residents speak for themselves and their feelings about the Chinese government (not the people). These children give voice to their hope, or lack thereof, of being able to see Tibet and reclaim it for the Tibetan people. 

In showing a group of children working together and developing their minds and hearts, Others Before Self has painted an effective portrait of how we could create a more peaceful and pleasant world community.

ACTION OPPORTUNITY: This film contains action items. Learn how to make an impact here.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    55 minutes
  • Language
    English and Tibetan with English subtitles
  • Country
    USA, India
  • Rating
    descriptions of human rights abuses
  • Director
    Seth McClellan