Expired November 8, 2021 5:59 AM
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This film block can be purchased at any time during the festival.

BEST PRACTICE: Purchase and watch the film block before the scheduled Q&A — then join us to chat with the filmmakers live. (You will automatically be issued a free ticket for the Live Q&A when you purchase the Film Block)

Remember Me tells the story of people who have been forced to flee their homes due to the Boko Haram conflict in North-East Nigeria. The refugees face abuse, exploitation, and discrimination to meet their basic needs and deal with anxiety about their future. Women and children represent over 75 percent of the displaced population and are particularly vulnerable when in need of food, water, shelter, and personal and menstrual hygiene items. 

Despite years of humanitarian assistance, they continue to depend on infrequent relief distributions to meet their daily needs and are unable to become self-reliant, which affects their state of mind, self-esteem, and ability to rebuild their lives with dignity.

In addition to highlighting their experiences, Remember Me proffers solutions that combine psychosocial and vocational skills support to achieve self-reliance, which serves as a bridge to close the transition gap from aid-dependence to sustainable solutions. It demonstrates solutions that empower displaced persons to improve their state of mind, earn a living, and end their protracted displacement.

ACTION OPPORTUNITY: This film contains action items. Learn how to make an impact here.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
    English, Hausa
  • Country
  • Premiere
  • Rating
  • Director
    Toluwalola Kasali
  • Screenwriter
    Toluwalola Kasali
  • Producer
    Toluwalola Kasali
  • Cast
    Internally Displaced People
  • Editor
    Femi Shodunke
  • Sound Design
    Voice-Over: Macdonald Nkmeda
  • Music
    AShamaluev Music